The World’s First Concert Piano tuned to 432.081hz Precise-Temperament Tuning!
By: Shannon-Robert: De-Bie.

The world's first concert grand piano tuned to A5=432.081Hz in Novel Precise-Temperament Tuning created by Robert E Grant is proudly sitting in my lounge room/studio. Thanks to the NOW-SOUND team this is by far the best piano playing experience I have ever had and as an Australian WAPPA Piano graduate that may be telling!
The enjoyment and experience of music in perfect bio-geometric tuning that literally feels like harmonic nirvana is now achievable for any piano. To appreciate the impact of this novel tuning requires some basic comprehension of factor-9 math, sonic-geometry and sound. Quite simply: geometry is sound visualised, there is no geometry without sound/vibration and vice-versa with 432 central to the math required for geometric perfection. Music is simply the geometry we hear and interpret via the auditory-periphery and it’s the fine adjustments and discrepancies that audiophiles like myself hear.
Now that we have successfully refined the 432Hz Precise-Temperament tuning process the second tuning was a stand out with our Piano Artisan Jarred Finnigan citing that it may take up to 12 months for the instrument to really establish into the novel tuning, each tune is a new level of appreciation of just how good 432hz Precise-Temperament tuning sounds. With our second tune we have refined what we call the decimal points of the ET deviation offsets (A-3-A4) in the Reyburn tuning software which were created by Toni Mazzotti and the piano plays noticeably better across the board than our first official PT tune.
So I've had four months to really get my teeth into playing this novel Piano Tuning and here are some stand out features:
The piano sustains long, much longer than when previously in 440Hz. The low-level harmonic limits are ultra clean, 4-5 steps lower with major thirds quite rich all the way down to E2/F2 and the lowest A0/A1 I previously rarely used is now well used. I am drawn to play in previously voided keys such as B, E, G# now with fat rich voicings virtually anywhere on the keyboard.
The key intervals that create harmony being the Octave, Perfect fifth and Major/minor thirds just sing all over the whole keyboard and when you lay down a chord in the low register, the interaction of melody from 5th Octave is nuts! The strength of the major third is equal to the minor and super-rich. The piano is overall better than Equal-temperament in any 12 keys harmony combination with some extra stand out keys where you just want to play that key more than others, hold a chord and say damn!
This is due to the tuning derived from Equal-Temperament deviation offsets in A4-A5. But this I will leave for others to experience and interpret.
My top favourite standout is the sympathetic resonance, the way these strings vibrate interacting with each other, the room and my body is an experience that I hope the world can enjoy en masse very soon! This sympathetic vibration in Precise-Tempered tuning is a new experience for anyone due to the string tuning geometry that in my opinion allows for extended sustains and resonance to much higher harmonic extensions. Robert E Grant explains as follows: The [Precise] Temperament is a reference to the mathematical ratios of musical intervals. The small changes to interval create a very different effect musically, and (I strongly believe) tune the human body to 12-strand DNA activation based entirely on geometric perfection. Just tuning your piano to 432hz in the standard of Equal Temperament will not do this. This is likely to explain the nirvana feeling that I and others experience after playing/listening to this piano in the room for any extended period.
Incredibly there is not a single piano artisan on planet-earth (yet) that can/could achieve this novel tuning by ear therefore we will be releasing a video shortly showing how to tune any piano in the precise-tempered tuning using the Reyburn-CyberTuner system with the hope of additional tuning systems updating firmware to accommodate.
The discovery of Robert E Grant's novel tuning derived from the Vector-Equilibrium and Unified Math/Physics is a significant historical event and may take some time for the world to fully appreciate. I know that thanks to the work of PROJECT-432 and the exponentially growing community of 432hz music connoisseurs it is only a matter of time before we see the world tuning standard change to A=432Hz in the Equal-Temperament.
In the meantime anyone can enjoy the world’s first official acoustic piano recordings in 432Hz Precise-Temperament and ET to PT comparisons @now-sound YouTube channel with some new exciting recordings coming soon ready for NOW-SOUND 2.0 (10 June, 2023). Teasers to be posted in the NOW-SOUND Telegram Channel for the subscribers.
I would like to sincerely thank the key players and contributors of PROJECT-432 for making this piano possible. Robert E Grant for sharing your novel tuning and our PROJECT-432 media release with the world. The City of Perth (Western Australia) for generously donating the 7’ Danemann Grand Piano to the work of Pro Sound Foundation. Toni Mazzotti for your work with the technical tuning details and the digital ET to PT comparisons that first caught my ears. Thanks to Jason Martineau for programming the first digital piano tune of PT (calculated the differentials of each of the 12 notes from 12tet, using C as the root note, and A at 432Hz using Logic-Pro) giving us the first electric taste and potential of this novel musical tuning.
Thanks to our Piano Artisan Patrick Carre for the piano restoration work and getting the piano down to 432Hz in Equal-Temperament, to our Piano Artisan Jarred Finnigan for achieving the world’s first successful piano tune to A5=432.081Hz in Precise-Temperament, further refined tunes and establishing a reliable tuning method for all piano artisans using the Reyburn CyberTuner system.
Special thanks to the NOW-SOUND pianists Lawrence Ng and Simon Gray for the world premiere recordings of PROJECT-432 and sharing your musical gift of precise-tempered piano with the world.
R. Buckminster Fuller is smiling down from heaven at this moment!
Thank You.
: Shannon-Robert: De-Bie. [Ba.Mus(Ed), Ba.Arts(Mus)]
NOW-SOUND: Director.
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Robert E Grant Website
Toni Mazzotti Website/Blog
Jason Martineau Website
NOW-SOUND YouTube Channel
#PreciseTemperamentTuning #WorldFirst432HzPTPiano #Project432 #432HzSympatheticResonance #NowSound #ProSoundFoundation #VectorEquilibriamSound #12StrandDNAactivation